Microchips and Data Bases


“We’re in the year 2024 and the U.K microchip systems for dogs & cats in particular is in much need of a overhaul currently microchipping is a method of pet safety it involves injecting a tiny electronic device under a pet’s skin. This device holds a unique number linked to the owner’s contact details, aiding in identifying and reuniting lost pets with their owners. They are registered on one of the 22 data bases that are DEFRA compliant and on the U.K government website you would be liable of a £500 fine if they are not on one of these databases so it’s a must for you and your pet.”

Great your thinking…sadly not this does not mean your pet will be on all 22 data bases it means they are on just one the original one you are registered to and the other 21 do not know of your pet. However, if a vet, dog warden or rescue centre scan your pet they will see your data base your pet belongs to there is no central database and you must have details up to date for this to work. We suggest every now and again having your vet scan them to check your chip is still ok and able to be found and details all correct.

If your pet was to go missing more often than not the process is if found taken to a vets scanned, owner called if chip up to date if not , dog warden called then your dog will go into council care and placed in a kennels most often if after no claim made they will then be taken into a rescue after 7-18 days or euthanised if no place can be found due to funding and no owner found so it’s really important your pets details are kept up to date.

There has been lots of issues where dogs have been taken into rescue and the microchip has been re-registered to them and re homed at a later date to a new home this only happens when the chip details have not been updated by the owners and the rescue needs to re-register so that the animal has an upto date chip and if ever they were to go missing again the rescue can be contacted so they do not go through this whole process again!

To avoid your pet becoming one of the statistics of animals not being reunited we have on our business directory listed all of the U.K government DEFRA compliant companies that have official Microchip databases to help you to be able to keep things up to date and find them easier.

The effectiveness of a microchip is strongly tied to the accuracy of the registered information. Knowing your database enables updates to account details, ensuring current contact information is always linked to the microchip this will also help with missing posters and further support you would need if in this position and searching for your pet which we hope you do not ever need to do.

Please note You still must have an ID tag on your dog with your name and postcode when out in public we suggest adding your phone number also to support contacting you.

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