
It doesn’t happen over night

It doesn’t happen over night When you take on a rescue dog they could have trauma, unwanted ..


De Clutter your home and mind

De Clutter your home and mind Feeling over whelmed? Stressed just not yourself? If your living..


Travelling With Dogs

Travelling with dogs and even sometimes cats - How can we plan for a calm drive It’s not unu..


Microchips & Databases

Microchips and Data Bases   "We’re in the year 2024 and the U.K microchip systems fo..


Rescuing a Dog, the question is who saves who?

Rescuing a Dog, the question is who saves who? When I was born we already had a dog a beautifu..


Launch and it’s been along time coming

It's been a roller coaster getting Pet Platform C.I.C finally running but we are thrilled to sa..

  • News
  • October 9, 2023

Pet Platform and Mental Health

What’s the connection? Mental health is very complex with an estimate that 1 in 4 people in ..


The Motivation Behind Pet Platform

Why Pet Platform? What’s the Motivation? What made us decide to start Pet Platform C..


The Non-Hibernating Tortoise

Pawsome Pet Pick – The Hermann Tortoise In the U.K tortoises are a great family addi..