What’s the connection?

Mental health is very complex with an estimate that 1 in 4 people in the U.K & Northern Ireland will experience mental health problems at some point during their life.

Many are given support and are helped to manage their wellbeing but the complexity of mental health remains a difficult area to tackle as every individual has different experiences and finds many different ways to manage day to day.  Some need more support and we have so many great charities that can help. Our goal at Pet Platform is to complement and enhance the support for people struggling with mental health issues.


Our goal at Pet Platform is to complement and enhance the support for people struggling with mental health challenges.


2020 has without a doubt been a challenging year for so many on so many levels.  The support we will be providing to our communities will be a great help, creating new services available around the U.K to people who simply cannot afford luxuries. For example art classes to help with anxiety or a yoga class to allow some time to relax and feel calm.

The most common mental health disorders people experience in the U.K are anxiety  & depression or a mix of the two.  Studies suggest that 1 in 6 people in the U.K report these common mental health problems in any given week.  This can be due to lots of reasons and we want to help by providing tools to support them and to know they are not alone. People do care. We care!


Studies suggest that 1 in 6 people in the U.K report these common mental health problems in any given week.


With an increase year on year of suicides especially male suicide death rates we will be seeking to find as much support for these men as possible currently we have 74% of suicide deaths are male in the U.K this statistic is far too high, men & women are dying daily at an average of 18 deaths a day due to suicide.  Nobody should feel the only way to get peace is to end their own lives we feel for every family that has to go through this grieving process and hope our work will help towards lowering this death rate in the U.K & Northern Ireland.

Our communities are in need of community spirit and we aim to bring communities together!!

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